Auto-rickshaws have successfully demonstrated themselves as a viable mode of transportation over the years. Having said that, it is also critical to recognize that they have made a significant contribution to environmental contamination, and it is time for a change. The greatest question is, however, how? This query has a rather straightforward answer. We must use e-rickshaws instead. They are electric, environment-friendly, and come with a host of other advantages. Here are 5 key differences between e-rickshaws and auto-rickshaws:
1. Effect on the environment

Auto rickshaws belch out harmful smoke, adding up to the pollution and making the air unbreathable. This clearly suggests that they are not an ideal choice if you are willing to protect the environment.
On the other hand, electric rickshaws are a clean and efficient way to travel, with no harmful emissions to pollute the air.
2. Maintenance Cost

The normal auto-rickshaws run on fossil fuel and owing to the high rise in the cost of petrol and diesel, you are likely to burn a hole in your pocket while maintaining them. They also demand frequent tune-ups and their engines can wear out quickly if not properly maintained.
In contrast, electric rickshaws are much cheaper to maintain. They don’t require oil changes as they run on electricity. As a result, it saves your hard-earned money from draining away. Their batteries can last up to five years with proper care and maintenance.
3. Comfort

Auto rickshaws do not really ensure a comfortable ride. It can cause major distress while running on bumpy and uneven roads. They generate noise and massive heat, making the journeys sometimes unbearable for the passengers.
But E-rickshaws ensure 100% comfort while riding. They are lower than the traditional pedal rickshaw and with their gravity being nearer to the land, they ascertain a more stable turning and ride experience. They also generate less heat and lower noise which makes the journey more soothing for people riding it.
4. Income generation

The potential of generating income while driving an auto-rickshaw is not much owing to the high maintenance cost.
Whereas, in addition to advancing sustainability, e-rickshaws help their drivers and their families achieve socioeconomic success. E-rickshaw drivers may make more money and do it in more comfort than regular rickshaw pullers because of their cheap operating costs.
5. Noise

Auto rickshaws are much louder than electric rickshaws. The engine of an auto rickshaw is very noisy, and the exhaust is often quite loud as well.
Electric rickshaws, on the other hand, are very quiet. You can barely hear them coming, and they produce very little noise while they are running.
It is evident from the above-stated differences between e-rickshaw and auto-rickshaw that electric rickshaws can drive the future of our nation. They are way beneficial in multiple ways and can contribute to the betterment of every individual and ultimately to the betterment of nature.
Big Bull is a well-known e-rickshaw manufacturing company in Kolkata with the aim of designing a new tomorrow. A tomorrow where the air is clean and the streets are filled with silent, electric vehicles. Join us on this ride toward a better future. Switch to electric vehicles now.